Friday, December 31, 2010

Another Year Down

So I was standing in the shower this morning thinking what a crappy year this has been. Noone can argue that watching a parent in end-stage cancer isn't a great way to spend the year, but that's pretty much how the year started in January, continuing through to the end in August. And add on to that the illness, suffering, and subsequent death of a beloved step parent during that exact time. I could also mention that 2010 found my husband still technically without fulltime employment and all the benefits that go with that. No one would argue with me that 2010 has been a pretty lousy year all around.

But about as quickly as my mind went down that road, I was struck by how much there was to be thankful for. Now I'm not trying to say that I don't have cause to be sad or grieving the deaths of my Mom and Al just because there are things to be thankful about, but that perhaps I shouldn't be so hasty about telling 2010, "Sayonara and don't let the door hit ya in the behind on the way out."

This year afforded me the opportunity to make several trips to Arkansas to be with my Mom and Al during their last months. Despite (or perhaps because of) Mike's lack of a regular fulltime job, I was able to spend several weeks visiting and taking care of what needed to be taken care of. I was able to be with my Mom during her final moments. Many adults can only wish for the opportunities to serve their parents that I've had this year. As heartbreaking and stressful as it was, there is good to be found there. In some families the death of a parent can tear them apart; I'm so glad that wasn't the experience I had with my brother and step-siblings. If anything, it brought us closer together.

Despite Mike's employment situation, he never lacked for work when it was needed. Not once. Mike took all opportunities presented to him and worked hard, but we know that it was God who brought the work Mike's way. His timing was always perfect. And so to God goes the glory and the thankfulness for taking care of this little family and their needs (and lots of wants as well!)

I'm thankful for the vacation we had in Puerto Vallarta with my Dad and Candace. We enjoyed the family time spent in such a superb location, and I dream of being able to go back again! It was a very relaxing time without the need for running around here and there to do this and that. Simply time spent resting, eating, swimming, and strolling with family. Doesn't get much better than that!

With everything going on this year, I was still able to continue homeschooling the kids. I'm thankful for being able to do so and don't take this right for granted. Our family was also able to participate in a co-op to enrich our homeschooling lives, and the friends I and my children made there are ones we cherish!

True, 2010 will go down as one of the saddest and most difficult years of my life. There are images in my memory banks that I wish weren't there and emotions that are still quite raw. But if I'm honest with myself, there was more to this year than grief. We had good health, we enjoyed growing friendships, renewing relationships with family and old friends, a God who never once left our sides, and above all else, hope. Hope for our present, and hope for our future.

Happy New Year To Us All