Monday, June 30, 2008

The Woman at the Well

If you're going to start a blog, you need a name. After some consideration, I decided that since I relate so well to a particular story in the Bible, I would use that as my inspiration. I think a lot of us can relate to the Samaritan woman who Jesus spoke to at the well.

(Just a little history here, the Samaritans are a mixed race from the Old Testament days. When Israel was conquered and the enemy moved in, they married Jews and the result was the Samaritans. The Samaritans were despised by the Jewish people. Rather than walk through their region, Jewish people would take the long, difficult way around. To interact with them was to become unclean. So when Jesus, a Jew, not only chose to walk straight through Samaria, but to also
talk to a Samaritan WOMAN, this was seriously frowned upon.)

When we read about this Samaritan woman in John 4, we find out that she was married and divorced 5 times, and was currently living with a man who she was not married to. After some conversation together, she comes to believe that Jesus is the Messiah they've heard about.

What speaks to me so deeply about this story is that Jesus doesn't ignore or scorn this woman "livin' in sin"; he doesn't even tell her to go get her life straightened out first or kick the Significant Other to the curb. There is no laundry list of requirements I need to complete to have Jesus accept my trust and faith. He accepts the Samaritan woman's faith in him as the Messiah and sends her on her way to tell others in her village, so why not me too?

So, there are no prerequisites to believing in and accepting the one and only true God. He accepts me right where I'm at. I found this quite mean I don't have to get my life all polished up first?? It was one of those right-here-right-now deals. The beautiful thing is that over time, I began to change and move in positive directions as I allowed the Spirit of God to work in me.

And that's the story that inspired the naming of my blog.