I can hear you now. "What is that hideous thing, and what is up with all that......is that lime green?"
A year and a half ago my Mom completed a quilt for Charlotte's bed. We picked out the fabrics together and went with a lavender and pale lime green theme. Mom then gave me all the extra fabric because I was to use it to make a bed skirt. That fabric sat in a corner of my bedroom for all this time and then the mood struck me the other day, and I went with it. So I sat down and figured out what I needed to do, took measurements and then pulled out the material scraps. I was a little dismayed to find that there weren't too many large pieces. Given that I had no pattern or directions and a scant amount of fabric, it wasn't looking favorable for me. I wanted it to look like a $29.99 bed skirt from Sears, not some homemade junk.
I consider myself a frugal person, perhaps even a tad on the cheap side. It's a condition I've been dealing with since we chose to become a one-income family. I was (and still am) the queen of clearance and the guru of garage sales and Good Will. Why pay retail when you can find other people's perfectly good stuff for a fraction of the price? Well, nowadays they call this being green. Just call me a trail blazer on the frontier of environmental issues.
Anway, rather than waste gas and time to spend money on a new piece of muslin for the portion of the bed skirt that lays on top of the box spring, I was able to sew together two smaller pieces of fabric from the scraps to make the piece I needed. And with very miserly hems, I had just enough (barely) of the lavender gingham fabric I needed for the skirt drop.