Wednesday, June 2, 2010

La Mariposa

We spent 2 weeks on a butterfly unit last month and part of that unit was raising our own from caterpillars. Memorial Day weekend 4 of the 5 chrysalis hatched into beautiful Painted Lady butterflies. The 5th chrysalis didn't make it.

We enjoyed them inside for a couple days, but once the cats figured out what was fluttering around inside the habitat, they started a stake-out to see if they could catch one. So on our 2nd to last day of school we started the day by going outside to release our little butterflies. One flew off so fast I don't even know where s/he went to. The other wasn't too far behind, and the 3rd seemed to be telling us "I got snacks; not going anywhere right now."

Our 4th, and final, butterfly is "flight impaired". Instead of symmetrical wings, the right side is a and not well-formed. Oh, he tried to fly away, but just fluttered to the ground. We rescued him and brought him back inside to live out his life. I couldn't stand the thought of him becoming a part of the food chain.

Butterfly #4 resting on Charlotte's hand

You can see his asymmetrical wings here

About a week later we went on a family bike ride and were down by the river. We stopped for a moment and there was a painted lady butterfly. We watched it a while, and it briefly came to rest on my hand. I think it was our butterfly.

Daddy's Princess

In April, Mike took Charlotte to a daddy/daughter dance hosted by our church. Charlotte talked of nothing else all week long and was beyond excited once the day arrived. She chose to wear her red velvet Christmas dress, and I put her hair up in a bun in the back. She was thrilled to have her hair done fancy, but totally blown away when I lent her one of my necklaces to wear with her dress.

At the dance they had their picture taken by the photographer, and all the daughters received a necklace and a carnation. Lots of punch, desserts and dancing followed! She had the time of her life!!! Since I can't decide which one I like best, I posted all three of the ones I thought turned out good. :-)

He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers..." (Malachi 4:6a)