Sunday, May 3, 2009

Just A Drop In The Bucket

Before President Obama took office, he said, "We're going to have to bring significant reform not just to our recovery and reinvestment plan, but to the overall budget process, to address both the deficit of dollars and the deficit of trust. We'll have to make tough choices, and we're going to have to break old habits."

To that end, he has requested that his Cabinet make $100 million in cuts in agency operations. When asked if the efficiency saving isn't just a drop in the bucket, Obama replied, "It is. None of these things alone are going to make a difference. But cumulatively, they make an extraordinary difference because they start setting a tone ... $100 million there, $100 million here -- pretty soon, even here in Washington, it adds up to real money."

What do you think?

1 comment:

ChristineR said...

Visuals always help, don't they? :)
