So we left off with Mike getting soaked by the kids. He went inside and changed into a swim suit and dry tank top, so he was prepared in case there was another chance of getting wet. Here's another Dad and kid who got wet during that little skirmish. I think Dad was having as much fun as his son!

After that bit 'O fun, Donny demonstrates the power of the water coming out of the truck. This is at only 25% pressure, and it'd probably blow you clear across the yard (the men were totally in awe, of course!):

Since Debbie was such a good sport about being the target practice on the last game, she got to handle the hose! Can you believe it? The fire truck party included water coming from hoses hooked up to the truck! The kids were told to get out into the yard, and here they are waiting - knowing they're going to get wet, but not quite sure how it's all gonna go down. I mean who's ever been hosed down by a fire truck, ya know? It's a mystery to them right now:

Now it's no longer a mystery. I just love the change in the kids poses and expressions in the picture above and below.

Now all the parents who wanted to were able to hose down the kids. And you can bet your bottom dollar that all who were able did. And the funny thing I noticed as I was looking through the photos is that without exception every parent had a HUGE smile on their face while doing it. Here are a couple photos of Mike and I hosing down kids (I really need to give Mike a mini lesson in how to use the auto-focus feature on my camera....and maybe a quick lesson in composition.)

In case you're wondering, there's a guy on the hose behind me. There's no way I could've held that thing by myself (and that was at a seriously reduced pressure. I have new respect for firemen who are operating these things at 100% pressure. Wow.) But the hose is rock solid while the water is coming out and you really have to brace yourself so you don't get knocked on your keister.
And just in case you were thinking this was like some sort of lawn sprinkler for the kids, think again..... (notice the cardboard box made into a little building? They're all trying to get inside of it)

But don't worry. No children were hurt during the filming of this event. They loved it; wish I could bottle up their shrieks of laughter and excitement!

After all the parents had their fun.......well, OK, and the kids, we dried them off a bit then loaded everyone up on top of the firetruck to take a big lap around the neighborhood.

As we drove around the neighborhood, of course the horn was honked and you could say there was a bit of gawking as this fire truck goes on by tooting it's horn with a gaggle of kids on top and a bunch of adults hanging off the back! And guess who got to drive the fire truck?? Mike!! Talk about one kid being majorly proud of his Dad!

And to cap off the whole event, Donny gave each child a full-sized Beanie Baby Dalmation Dog, because he said that every young fire fighter needs a Dalmation Dog.