I'm Cheryl.
This photo is, unfortunately, over three years old. Since I'm the photographer in this family, I rarely get photographed since I'm always behind the camera, not in front of it. I haven't changed all that much in the past couple years.
I'm a stay-at-home-mom (or have been since my youngest was born). Overall I don't miss the stress of balancing a "career" and the demands of home life. Sure, there are days I question whether giving up the extra income is worth it - I think that's what I miss most about having a "real" job, but at the end of the day it always comes back to "Yeah, it's worth it." One day my kids won't need me as much. When that day arrives, then I'll go back to a tax-paying job. But for now, I have the best job in the world: Raising my kids and taking care of my family.
I volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter and it's sort of hard to not fall in love with all of them and want to take a few home with you (I dare you to try! ;-D). Mike drew the line after the second cat. We have two big-boy cats -

And Charlotte didn't just come into the world; we're talking Talladega baby. At least she helped me redeem myself by weighing in at 5 lbs. 11 oz. [eye roll].
Yeah, another 40 lbs., another peanut baby. At least breastfeeding helped me lose all that excess weight [double eye roll.]

I finally quit smoking 1 year, 8 months, and 15 days ago, but who's counting? (Just to clarify, I didn't smoke while pregnant; heck I even took nearly two years off from 2000-2001. WHY did I start again?! It's an evil habit.) The amazing thing is that I don't feel like I'm going to die when I do aerobic kick-boxing, weights, and now that the weather is nice, bike riding. I've got two young kids to keep up with and stay healthy for, so that's reason enough for me to keep plugging away.
In reviewing my post, I realized I left out all the usual get-to-know you stuff, like how I love puffy clouds, the wagging tails of puppies, the giggles of my children, reading, photography, scrapbooking, a good clean joke, going to church, cats, a leisurely meal - especially if crab legs are involved, and a balanced checkbook. I love checking stuff off on my daily to-do list, getting an honest-to-goodness old-fashioned letter in the mail, and a great fitting pair of jeans. And that's just for starters! Maybe I'll do a whole post about everything I love! My one pet peeve, though, is bad drivers. One of the best bumper stickers I ever saw, and I want it for my own car, is:
Isn't that great? Don't you want that bumper sticker too? :-)
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