Magic Kingdom was a lot of fun, and the crowds weren't too bad till afternoon. The first ride we hit was Space Mountain, an indoor roller coaster that's in the dark. I figured Mike and I would switch off, with one of us staying with the kids while the other rode. But both kids turned out tall enough to ride and actually wanted too, although I think Charlotte was a tad nervous. All for naught, because she ended up loving Space Mountain and went on it three times. The kids loved all the rides, but especially Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (went on that twice!) We managed to see only one show the whole day - Mickey's Philharmagic, a 3-D cartoon thing that was really great! But enough about all that. On to the photos! :-D
What trip to the Magic Kingdom is complete without a slew of photos taken of Cinderella's Castle??
The front

Some detail along the back

The side

At night, lit in blue (light colors changed about every 15 minutes)

We sort of skipped lunch and had a Mickey shaped ice cream bar instead. There were no complaints.

Our map reader

Around dinner time, we finally made it to Mickey's Toontown Fair, a section of the park that has kiddie rides and character meet N greets. I had promised Charlotte I would make sure she got to meet Cinderella, her favorite princess, and since a "promise is a promise" , off we went to stand in line while Mike and Eric went on rides. An hour+ later, we got our meeting, autographs and photos:
Sleeping Beauty



When we finally got done with the princesses, we visited Minnie & Mickey's houses.
Obviously this is Minnie's house

And right next door is Mickey's house

Who knew Mickey had such a green thumb?

I wonder if they had to pay OshKosh to do this

A couple of bushes

We capped off the evening by staking out a spot on Main Street, ate more ice cream in lieu of dinner(we're on vacation, right? Lest you think we're too cheap to feed our kids properly, we did sit down to a real meal around 2:3o p.m. but couldn't find anything appetizing for dinner so we skipped it, and then ate ice cream, again, at the end of the day. Like I said, it's vacation!). While enjoying said ice cream, we waited for the fireworks. It was a nice way to end our long, fabulously fun day at Disney Magic Kingdom!

Looks fun. I wish I was there.
You know we spent 2 1/2 days in this park and never hit the Toontown Fair. LOL We did end up in the store in that area during a rainstorm for an hour or so, but never visited the homes. They look neat! Something to do next time.
Love the pics, and the kids look like they enjoyed themselves immensely. Isn't Space Mountain awesome?!
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