So we finally got the tree decorated. I really would like to know what happened to our tree skirt. It went missing last year, and I have no idea what happened to it. It didn't magically turn up this year either. I'm positively perplexed what happened to it. Is it lost in our attic somewhere? Why didn't it get packed up in 2006? Was it thrown away, and if so, why? Guess I'll have to drag out a sheet to throw under there to give it a more finished look. Anyway, here it is. We must have at least a 100 unique ornaments on there, which you probably can't see (unless you click on it to view larger). I've been adding to the collection each year (I buy one for myself/family, each kid gets one, plus we receive them as gifts too.) It's an
eclectic tree!

And just in case you missed it, let me zoom in for you:
Our kitty boys, Keats and Milo, who thankfully only like to hunker down under the tree, rather than up in it.
Wow, it looks awesome! I think it's cute how the cats are under the tree...almost looked like bunnies at first glance! :)
We haven't gotten our tree up yet. We were going to do it this weekend, but the boys are both really sick-so I'd rather wait and do it later in the week when it can be more enjoyable for them! We certainly don't have as many ornaments at you have-but our collection is growing! I think it's special when every ornament has a story/meaning!
Anyways, nice tree!!
I hope the boys are feeling better soon! And it's fun collecting a couple new ornaments each year. Slow and steady fills the tree! :-)
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