Aprox. 2 weeks

Eric was such a happy, smiley baby!

1 Year Old!
The tupperware cabinet
Can't leave him alone for a minute!

2 Year Portrait

Autumn leaves me happy!
3 1/2 years old
3 1/2 years old

Why a camera needs to be handy at all times.
What else are little boys supposed to look like after helping to make their birthday cake? 4 years old

"Joseph" in his preschool Christmas Play
Preschool Graduation Day!

6 1/2 Years Old
7 Years Old - Bowling Birthday Party
Mother's Day 2008
Summer 2008

Almost 8 years old
great pictures!!! Happy Birthday Eric!!!
Happy Birthday Eric! Feet first?! Yikes!
Aww, what a beautiful/handsome boy he is!! I loved looking at all the pictures, such a cutie!! :) But FEET FIRST??!! OH MYYYYY!!! lol
Eric was head down the entire 9th month, but at the 11th hour flipped himself around. We discovered this after my water broke and I was at the hospital! Fortunately he was small enough to deliver naturally, even though he was breech, but the OB did it in the operating room, not the delivery room "just in case". Seemed like half the hospital staff were in there with us, lol.
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