We have all sorts of subjects we cover each day. My favorites would probably be math and social studies. Math gives me immediate feedback on whether the kids are learning anything, so that's why I like it. Social studies encompasses so much - history, people, places, etc. that you'd have to be trying really hard to make something like that boring. But I'd have to say that the kids' favorites are the art and science experiments we conduct. Here are a few we've done over the past month:
We covered a unit on magnetism, and this experiment called for placing a strong magnet under the paper and sprinkling finely cut up steel wool pads on the top. This allowed the kids to see the magnetic field of the magnet.

We also did a unit on Volcanoes, which both kids really enjoyed. After we completed the unit, they built clay volcanoes around a plastic water bottle. Eric is painting his with cotton balls.

Charlotte painted hers too!

With a little water, dish soap, baking soda and vinegar, we had us a nice lava flow. If you've got red food coloring, put that in there too! I wish I had a picture of when we were setting Eric's off the second time. I have no idea how I did it - must of been the ratio of liquids to baking soda - but once I poured in the vinegar the "lava" shot up about 2 feet into the air and landed on the table with a splat. Eric and I were stunned for a second, then burst out laughing. Eric summed it all up by exclaiming, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" Kids!

We also briefly studied architecture, focusing on cathedrals and why they were built so long ago. Our art project for this unit was making a stained glass window. I do have to say they look really pretty up on our slider door where they catch the light! Just a little glue, tissue paper, waxed paper, and black construction paper and you can have a stained glass window too!

1 comment:
Wow - lots of cool projects, looks like you are really enjoying homeschooling!
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