Saturday, December 5, 2009
It Lives
If you want to know what I'm talking about, you'll have to bone up on your reading.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Where's The Tree?
At the end of last year, Mike snipped off all the prelit lights and we threw them in the trash figuring we could salvage the tree and throw on some new lights. We happened to score 5 strands of those large ceramic bulb lights for $1.74 a box, and I figured we could use those. I think they look pretty cool, and since I was getting outvoted on the white lights, I could deal with those ceramic lights in color.
Fast forward to this year. I'm a few minutes into stringing those ceramic bulbs onto our tree and I'm beginning to worry about how hot they're getting. One quick look at the box crushed my plans since these lights can't be used on artificial trees. Who knew? OK, guess we'll put them on the tree outside. So on November 30th we went to the store to find those mini lights in color. We went to Menards, Walmart, and Target. None of them had the basic Christmas lights we were looking for. Seriously? On November 30th? We dragged our sad behinds home and then I remembered we had a couple strands of mini color lights that I'd used on the outside tree last year. So I started stringing those on, figuring we'd eventually find some Christmas lights for the rest of the tree and could finish the job of putting our tree up.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sometimes I Can't Help Myself
I happened to look up over to my left and saw this magnificent tree without it's leaves. The sky was a bit overcast, and the sun was trying to shine through. I tried returning my gaze to the kids having fun, but I had already formed the photo of the tree in my mind, so I had to pull the camera out of the bag (which was sitting next to me, of course). Miraculous though it be, I do occasionally take photos of a subject other than my children. :-). Not to worry, we went on a little hike after they got tired of playing, so I got photos of them, one of which may become our Christmas card photo. ;-D
Here's shot #1 straight out of the camera. Not bad, but not spectacular.

Here's the same photo after I enhanced it in Photoshop. Definitely has that sunset feel to it, no?

Never content to leave my camera settings alone, I opted to switch the white balance to fluorescent because I learned a few years ago (from playing around with it) that it cools the colors for a wintery feel. Here's the photo straight out of the camera. Again, not bad, but not spectacular:

And here's the same photo after it encountered Photoshop. It's gone from a daytime to nighttime photo (I really like this one the best too).

I'm glad that sometimes I can't stop myself from taking photos. Sometimes it's worth it to drag the camera around with me everywhere we go.
Friday, November 13, 2009
My Cat On Drugs

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A Rare Occasion
I tried the photo below in color and black and white. Both look good, but I'm a fan of black and white photos. For some reason it looks a little darker on my blog than it did while editing it, but that still doesn't hide the fabulous expression I caught on my 'lil man's face!

Friday, October 30, 2009
Radio Waves
Today while balancing the checkbook the kids were building forts for shelter animals (aka our poor beleaguered cat, Milo), and the radio is going. While balancing the checkbook, my mind was a bit troubled over something in my life that's not working, something that I want to change but am really afraid to make the change.
And then that perfect song came on and spoke to me, as if the words were coming straight from the Throne of Heaven.
And the funny thing is it's OK
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say
Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness
Word of God speak
~ Word of God Speak by MercyMe
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Isn't She Lovely?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
So what do you DO all day?
We have all sorts of subjects we cover each day. My favorites would probably be math and social studies. Math gives me immediate feedback on whether the kids are learning anything, so that's why I like it. Social studies encompasses so much - history, people, places, etc. that you'd have to be trying really hard to make something like that boring. But I'd have to say that the kids' favorites are the art and science experiments we conduct. Here are a few we've done over the past month:
We covered a unit on magnetism, and this experiment called for placing a strong magnet under the paper and sprinkling finely cut up steel wool pads on the top. This allowed the kids to see the magnetic field of the magnet.

We also did a unit on Volcanoes, which both kids really enjoyed. After we completed the unit, they built clay volcanoes around a plastic water bottle. Eric is painting his with cotton balls.

With a little water, dish soap, baking soda and vinegar, we had us a nice lava flow. If you've got red food coloring, put that in there too! I wish I had a picture of when we were setting Eric's off the second time. I have no idea how I did it - must of been the ratio of liquids to baking soda - but once I poured in the vinegar the "lava" shot up about 2 feet into the air and landed on the table with a splat. Eric and I were stunned for a second, then burst out laughing. Eric summed it all up by exclaiming, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" Kids!

We also briefly studied architecture, focusing on cathedrals and why they were built so long ago. Our art project for this unit was making a stained glass window. I do have to say they look really pretty up on our slider door where they catch the light! Just a little glue, tissue paper, waxed paper, and black construction paper and you can have a stained glass window too!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Look Mom!

All I could do was laugh. The thought of a cloud maker just made me smile! I didn't have the heart to tell her it was pollution. So I didn't.
P.S. - I'm glad I happened to have my camera with in the car!
Friday, September 25, 2009
That Freaks Me Out
Charlotte had wanted no part of going out on the boat fishing with the boys, her Daddy and Uncle so she stayed on shore and played Barbies. However, Mike had promised her he'd take her out on the lake just the two of them. Finding time alone with each one of your children is such a challenge, so I'm glad Mike got an opportunity to do that over Labor Day weekend! Here are a few photos of Charlotte and her Daddy.

Friday, September 18, 2009
What Did She Say?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Soil Experiment
We imported soil from two states, so combined with our own, we had Arkansas, Wisconsin, and Illinois covered. Soil has many different layers - I'll spare you all the lesson - but to see those layers we dumped in about 1/2 cup of soil into a container (I recommend glass; plastic isn't as easy to see) then filled the container up half way with water. The kids enjoyed the shaking part immensely, then we let it all settle down into layers. They were running to look at it all day long to see the progress. It's a little difficult to see from the photo, but rocks are at the bottom, followed by sand, clay, water, and humus floating on the top.
And there you have it, a soil experiment!

Saturday, September 12, 2009
My Crafty Self

Thursday, September 10, 2009
"lil peanuts". :-) I could hold him all day long! I've picked a few random photos of the weekend to share (and maybe I'll be able to post a photo of me if it gets emailed to me by my mother-in-law....hint hint). Stay tuned next week for a funny recap of an episode that I was able to capture on camera.

(purely coincidence that they lined up in height order!)

Thursday, September 3, 2009
LIVE, From Green Bay, WI
What an incredible weekend! The worship music was amazing, and Beth Moore's message, per usual, was relevant and spoke to my heart. Here's a short slide show of the weekend in Green Bay (you'll have to silence my radio off to your right first.)
~ Psalm 37:4
Living Proof Live - Simulcast - Green Bay WI from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Back To......Homeschool
Today was the day!! We launched Flood Academy (not sure what to call our little school. Suggestions?) Because it was not only the first day of school, but also the first day of homeschool, I made pancakes for breakfast. This made the children putty in my hands, an unexpected, yet wonderful, reward for my efforts. Actually, the day went really well. We're easing into things this week with math, reading, and phonics. Next week we'll add on everything else. Since it was so cold this morning (what is up with that on August 31?!), we did back-to-school photos after lunch.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Do ya feel lucky, punk?
I say, " Let the good luck roll...."

Monday, August 17, 2009
How High Do You Count?
An excerpt from "Count to Eight" by Max Lucado:
“We have here only five loaves and two fish.” (Matt. 14:17)
How do you suppose Jesus felt about the basket inventory? Any chance he might have wanted them to include the rest of the possibilities? Involve all the options? Do you think he was hoping someone might count to eight?
“Well, let’s see. We have five loaves, two fish…and Jesus!” Jesus Christ. The same Jesus who told us:
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Luke 11:19 NIV)
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. (John 15:7 NIV)
What ever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:24 NIV)
Standing next to the disciples was the solution to their problems…but they didn’t go to him. They stopped their count at seven and worried.
What about you? Are you counting to seven, or to eight?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Indoctrinating Children

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
High School Musical Jr.

Friday, July 10, 2009
Tax Dollars At Work

Monday, July 6, 2009
The Big Decision
The past month or so I've hunted for home schooling curriculum and checked into a co-op, plus attended a 3-day home schooling conference. There are not only thousands of curriculum choices, but it can be fairly expensive depending on what you go with and how much work you're willing to do on your own. This is a slight concern since Mike's employment has been sporadic since his lay-off last October (another reason home schooling seems like a crazy thing to do. This decision is a huge step of faith!)
All that research led me to a particular curriculum that appeared to meet my criteria, while also taking into consideration my kids' learning styles and my teaching style. To remain true to myself , I had to be completely thorough in my researching, so I also joined a "Yahoo Group" of families who use this curriculum so that I could learn as much as possible from women who were already using it. I began to sense conviction, as well as peace, about this choice of curriculum, even after browsing many other worthy options that had made it onto my short list.
Last week the moderator posted on the curriculum Yahoo Group that there was a full starter set of this particular curriculum available as a gift for anyone in a matter of fact, she was reposting the notice since no one had come forward to state they had a need. I was practically dancing in my seat as I sent her an email indicating I'd be interested. She forwarded my request to the family that had, 4 years prior, received this set brand new as a gift during a difficult time in their lives, and they were "paying it forward". Pam's situation 4 years ago was so similar to where my family is at right now (her husband was in construction and laid off just like my husband, my Mom is battling cancer and Pam's sister Sheryl was battling cancer, etc.). It's almost eerily similar, but I don't believe in coincidences. When Mike and I stepped out in faith to choose home schooling despite our finances so up in the air, I believed God would provide......but never in my wildest imagination did I think He'd provide a very specific curriculum for us - chosen from hundreds of options - through a stranger's gift. We're not even being asked to pay for shipping.
It would be an understatement to say that God continues to amaze me in how good He is to us, how mindful He is of the little things that concern us, and how He never leads us somewhere without making sure we have what we need for the journey. And if this is how the journey is starting off, I'm sure that my imagination can't even conceive of what an incredible year it's going to be.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
There's Nothing Like Mama