Niko, a beautiful, friendly long-haired kitty. Unfortunately he gets picked on by the other cats, perhaps due to his gentle nature. He was found surrounded by a pack of dogs, but calm as could be. A kind stranger heard the barking and rescued Niko. He was extremely matted, dirty, and had a cold so he was probably lost for some time.

OK, this guy isn't new, but he's just special to me. One of the side effects of volunteering at an animal shelter is you have your favorites, one or two that just melt your heart. Tiny Tommy (I just call him Tommy) is "my" cat. Isn't he magnificent?

This big boy with the chipmunk cheeks is Frat. He's a total love bug, friendly and would do well in a home with lottsa love and attention! I can't even imagine what cruel person would "dump" (illegally leave in some manner on the shelter property) this cat on a frigid night. He nearly froze to death before he was found confined in his cat carrier.

Did I mention that Frat is a polydactyl?

Cottonball has been around for a while, but what a camera hog! And the camera loves him too! Cottonball was found as a stray.

Campanelle is another lover boy. Soooo friendly, and a total lap cat hiding in a big tom's body.

This is the most I've ever seen of Big Smokey. And I used the zoom lens at that. He's not too keen on people; not sure why, don't know his story, but he was humanely trapped as a stray by a good samaritan.

This is one of the newer FIV cats, Santa. I'm betting he arrived in late December. I don't know what his story is, but he's missing his left ear. Super friendly cat, though, and would quietly wait for me to come pay him some attention!

Very cute Cheryl!!!
Really nice pics Cheryl. My little animal lover Erin was peeking over my shoulder and had lots of questions about the kitties and whose they were. :)
I had many cats like Tommy growing up. We had a couple of Sammys and then a Hamilton. All shelter cats. I would tell my dad to get a kitten and he's always come home with the cat doomed to die. I finally got my kitten after my dad brought home Hamilton. Tweezel didn't even know Hamilton existed for a few days. It was hilarious to see her reaction the first time she actually realized he was there.
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