Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Nine Years Ago

It's hard to believe that 9 years ago today Mike and I got married! We've been through a lot both individually and as a couple in our nearly 14 years together, having our share of fabulous (and not so fabulous) moments. Most miraculously, we've managed to hang on to each other even when things weren't going so great. And I guess that's what makes a good and lasting marriage. Anyone can make a go of things when it's all lovely and "going according to plan"; it's when times are tough that builds the character....the endurance of a relationship. And while we're far from the perfect couple, I know that I look forward to the time we have ahead of us as being The Best Yet. And that's not too bad, considering we've had some great times already.

Our Wedding Day

A champagne girl married to a beer guy.
Some things haven't changed a bit.

A photo from our honeymoon. If you look closely, you'll see evidence of our smokin' days. We're sitting in swings at the bar drinking one of our favorite vacation fru-fru drinks: a Miami Vice - a layered drink of strawberry daiquiri and pina colada. I want one now... ...well OK, now as in almost 9 p.m., as I put together this message, not now as in 6 a.m. when this message is scheduled to post on my blog.

And that's all the photos there are for now (aren't scanned photos awful??). If you want to hear the first song we danced to on our wedding day, turn on your speakers. :-D It's a pretty little song by John Berry.


My Three Girls (The A girls) said...

happy anniversary! I agree that the ups and downs of marriage make us stronger and love each other more. Hey, if you can stay togwether for the rough times than the good times are even better.

You guys look so young

Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary (a day late!)

Anonymous said...

I was showing Chris your blog tonight, (he wanted to see all those fire truck party pics, what a guy...haha!)he heard the song playing and remembered it from your wedding!! Amazing, considering I hadn't read him this blog entry yet!! :) It's a really nice song!!