Thursday, November 13, 2008

The $152 Tooth

Eric has been losing his 3rd baby tooth (top center) for at least 6 weeks. It started getting loose in late September, but not loose enough to yank out, and then as the permanent tooth started coming in, it crowded out the baby tooth and pushed it to the front. A regular snaggle tooth it was. I constantly reminded him to wiggle that thing to loosen it up, but it was no use. That thing just didn't want to come out, despite the fact that his permanent tooth is over half way in! So I reluctantly called the dentist to have him do the deed. I had so many of my baby teeth yanked out as a child. I hated going to the dentist because it seemed every time I did, there was unpleasantness involved. I was trying to avoid this with Eric, but unfortunately he may have inherited my stubborn baby teeth.

So off to the dentist we went. The dentist did get the tooth out, but even he said it was stubborn and didn't want to come out. Eric was brave and did great, although he couldn't wait for the numbness to wear off! So we're checking out and the woman behind the counter tells me it'll be $70. I asked her if she was going to submit it to the insurance company first. She looked at me kind of funny, then printed out the statement, showing that the insurance would be billed, and the $70 was my portion of the bill. Eeek! $150 to pull a tooth out?? That 'ole Tom & Jerry method with the string and door is looking mighty appealing. Then we had to leave Eric a couple bucks from the Tooth Fairy (figured he'd earned an extra buck, ya know? Which got me to thinking that maybe I'm due some extra money for all the teeth I had pulled out the hard way. Mom?? Dad???)

Anyway, $152 later, he has a more normal looking smile, the snaggle tooth is gone, and he can eat normally least till the next tooth gets loose.


Shea said...

That is pricey! I think I got the kitty video working again.

Michelle said...

Oh bummer! I hope the next one comes out easier.