Monday, October 27, 2008

At The Bowling Alley

So Mike joined a bowling league. Not just any bowling league, mind you. This is a Wii bowling league that was jokingly formed on Saturday nights at the home of some friends who host a pot-luck most Saturday nights after church. They have a Wii, and some of the folks there are getting into the bowling thing. It's Mike's first real chance to play the game for longer than a couple of minutes. I knew he was going to get hooked. Just knew it. Sure enough before we left on vacation, and before his birthday rolled around, he said he wanted a Wii (if we could afford it.....and if one could be found.)

We still had some funds left over that weren't spent on vacation ('cause we fed our kids ice cream for meals instead of blowing the wad on $8 hot dogs), so we decided to go for the Wii. I was at Best Buy last week to get new speakers for my computer since the old ones blew themselves out.....certainly not from me jamming on them or anything. Anyway, at BestBuy they were sold out of Wiis. I wasn't thinking I'd find Mike his present after know, it's getting to be Christmas Shopping season don't you know (eye roll.)

On a lark, I called Toys R Us last night and they actually had them in stock! Not delaying, I left Mike in charge of bathing children while I dashed off to the toy store. Mikey was one happy camper when I got home, and we had to bowl. This is my first time bowling on a Wii. And I kicked his butt. hehe. Maybe I'll join the Saturday night bowling league now. ;-)


Michelle said...

LOL! The first time I played I got 3 strikes in a row too - then quit since we were heading to dinner. Next time I played I couldn't get one. I scored a Wii but I'm saving it for's on top of Brian's dresser and it's KILLING him!

Shea said...

It's fun isn't it? BTW Walmart online has a deal where you can get two games for $30. It's limited selection but I picket up two for christmas.

JoEllen said...

You will love it!!! I have it hidden also waiting until christmas!!! hehehe!!