Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Easy Come Easy Go

This is a phrase that should not be applied to jobs. Unfortunately these days it's all too true for so many people. You find a job, it's a good job, things are humming along nicely, and then one day you get the "it's not you, it's the economy" speech, and you find yourself standing in line at the unemployment office along with hundreds of others......others like my husband, who got the speech from his boss last night and now finds himself laid off (SO glad we purchased the Wii this week, Ugh.)

It's been nearly two years since the last time Mike was laid off - just a few weeks before Christmas of 2006. That time I was a bit panicked, at least the first few weeks before I realized that God was in control of the entire situation. Just like He is now. Mike had received a call while we were on vacation (something I don't regret spending the money on, even now) that if he was interested, to put together a resume for this company that was looking to hire on soon. This is a company that is very difficult to get into and by referral only. We were both praying on it, asking for some clear direction on whether to stay put or go for the new job. I'd say Mike got a crystal clear indicator last night that "staying put" isn't what God has in mind, whether it's moving to this new company or somewhere else altogether.

So as Mike left this morning to file for unemployment and call the Union hall to get his name on the (undoubtedly long) list, he said, "Well, we're heading off down a new path on another adventure!" I gotta respect his enthusiasm. I wouldn't exactly say this is an adventure I'd choose, but knowing that God is leading the way sure makes me less worried about where we're going.


JoEllen said...

Sorry know I understand your feelings! And it will be okay! Hugs!

Shea said...

Sorry Cheryl. Good luck to Mike.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Cheryl and Mike! Redundancy is horrible and can really test faith. Be strong. Like you said, different courses lead to new adventures and happier times down the track. Thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I'm so sorry Cheryl! But I have to say you both have a wonderful outlook. I pray things fall in place, as it sounds as though the opportunity was put in place at the right time. I will be thinking of you and your family. {HUGS}

Anonymous said...

Cheryl ... despite the difficulty I can read your thick thread of faith running through your blog. Mike has great enthusiasm and it is testimony to God's sovereignty in all of this. Thank you for your encouragement and reminder to all of us that He is in control!

Michelle said...

I'm so sorry Cheryl! Your faith will get you through...I'm sure better things are in store! In the meantime, hang in there!