Thursday, January 15, 2009

Preschool Forensics

Today is a frigid day. Temps were -33 Fahrenheit this morning, so school was canceled. I'm sure all the bus-riders were very happy about that! This left me with a couple of kids to keep occupied. Eric was easy to please because he's usually in school all day, then has to come home and do more homework, so that leaves him very little time to play the Wii. So he's clocked a little bit of time today playing a game. To throw a little variety into his day, I've asked him to do some reading ("Diary of a Wimpy Kid").

Charlotte loves to color, so I got her started on a biiiiig coloring project. Last year when I volunteered in Eric's 1st grade class, I used to help out in all sorts of ways - everything from "patrolling" the room to help kids out with math, to photocopying, and decorating the boards. The teacher used huge butcher paper for the background on the board, and when it was time to change the scene, that paper would just get thrown away. So I asked to take it home. I rolled it up, stuck it under a dresser, and promptly forgot about it.

Fast forward to a few days ago when I remembered the paper and wrote myself a note to do this project on Monday (school holiday). Figured I might as well do it today instead and try to come up with something else on Monday.

So I had Charlotte come into the kitchen and lay down. Notice the shoes.

With a pencil I traced around Charlotte. My favorite part is the shoes. I then took a marker and traced over the pencil. It looks eerily like an outline at a crime scene. Not my intent.

Now comes the fun part for a coloring gal like Charlotte. The first thing to get colored in was her hair, and here she's coloring in the dress. That's a purple flower on the dress, btw.

She got about 1/3 of the way done and needed a break, so I rolled it up and I'm sure she'll enjoy working on it over the next couple of days. I'll post a photo of her paper-self when it's done.

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