Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Soil Experiment

This past week has seen our little school in full swing. I wasn't all too thrilled with our curriculum's decision to start things off learning about dirt and rocks (aka geology), but have been trying to make the best of it.

We imported soil from two states, so combined with our own, we had Arkansas, Wisconsin, and Illinois covered. Soil has many different layers - I'll spare you all the lesson - but to see those layers we dumped in about 1/2 cup of soil into a container (I recommend glass; plastic isn't as easy to see) then filled the container up half way with water. The kids enjoyed the shaking part immensely, then we let it all settle down into layers. They were running to look at it all day long to see the progress. It's a little difficult to see from the photo, but rocks are at the bottom, followed by sand, clay, water, and humus floating on the top.

And there you have it, a soil experiment!

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