So, I was playing around with my camera the other day while the kids were setting up some imaginary town that had a festival going on (don't you love their imaginations?!) I was changing some settings on the camera that I rarely mess with and seeing the results they made. Here is one I happened to catch of Charlotte. The back of our living room chair served well as a backdrop, don't ya think? I admit, though, it's not really a great photo technically speaking (I was able to salvage it a bit with PSE6), but I just love the expression on her face! Nothing like capturing her pint-sized attitude in pixels.

What a photo. It is priceless. I also feel photography handicapped a lot of the time. When i get a great photo is is just a lucky shot.
I love children's imiginations. they are so wonderful. When I taught Pre-K it was one of my favorite things was hearing their "stories" and the things they come up with.
Could she be any cuter!? Great picture!
Love the picture, she's beautiful no matter what the expression is on her face!
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