Thursday, July 17, 2008

Life is a highway . . .

When I was back in my 20’s and early 30’s, odd or strange questions would pop into my mind, and I’d ponder on them. And I'd ask those around me to ponder on them. My friends and now husband would just roll their eyes and humor me. I haven’t really experienced too many of those “Cheryl Questions” in the past 7-8 years. After having children, something happens to the brain. I never thought it’d happen to me, but have had to come to terms with the fact that Children consume every part of you – body, heart, and mind. So sadly, those quirky little questions I used to get dried up and disappeared. But the other day as the fam and I were driving down the road, Eric asked how many miles were on the car. I said, “Oh, about 81,000. And come to think of it, you were in the car for most of those miles.” And then out of the blue, a “Cheryl Question” popped into my head, just like the good ole days. I started wondering how many miles I’ve traveled in a car during my lifetime. I’m guessing hundreds and hundreds of thousands of miles. How many have YOU traveled in a car?


Liz said...

Oh, about a billion? Who knows--interesting question though. Great to see your new blog--it is fun!

Dorian said...

That is an interesting question...I'd say I've got about 2 million. :)

Miles must have taken over for you in the question department. He asks some of the most unusual questions. I'll have to think of one to share. My brain is on overload right now. ;)